Conferences, Lecture Series and Workshops
Digital Networks of Knowledge in the Cold War Era (Feb 2018)
In the past decade, science and knowledge as historical objects have been re-examined from different perspectives, with a lively exchange between the disciplines of history, area studies and cultural studies. Within the history of science there has been a shift towards a discursive and network-like consideration of knowledge production and its conditions, that—instead of asking for success and/or failure of knowledge reception in modernization processes—takes their mobility into focus. Read more…
Trilateral Workshop Program (Germany/Japan/Korea): „Transcontinental Perspectives on Knowledge Production“ (Feb. 2017)
From February 17-18 2017 the PAJAKO workshop “Transcontinental Perspectives on Knowledge Production: Sharing Knowledge in a Globalized Civil Society” took place at the FAU. Numerous participants from the FU Berlin, Tokyo University, Yonsei University and of course the FAU attended the workshop. Read more…
History of science or history of knowledge? (2016)
9月12日下午,“全球史与中国2016”系列讲座第10讲(总第23讲)在我校图书馆三层学术报告厅举行。德国埃尔兰根—纽伦堡大学汉学系中国当代史教授王马克(Marc Andre Matten)继上周的报告《文化转向之后的历史学及当代学术界的危机》之后,又带来了一场主题为《科学史或知识史?Read more…
Wissensschaffung und Wissenspopularisierung im Russisch-Ostasiatischen Raum (2016)
Der Workshop greift Fragestellungen der Wissens- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte auf und verknüpft sie im interdisziplinären Dialog zwischen (Osteuropäischer) Geschichte, Japanologie und Sinologie mit den Anliegen der (inter-)imperialen und transnationalen Geschichte. Die zentrale Frage des Workshops ist, in welchem Spannungsverhältnis Produktion, Transfer und Popularisierung von Wissen in lokalen, nationalen und imperialen Kontexten stehen. Read more…
Imagination of the Invisible: Knowledge Production in Modern China (AAS 2016)
Knowledge production in the history of science has since long been understood as an effort of explaining perceptible phenomena by means of scientific empiricism. The underlying assumption is that one can grasp and analyze an objective truth independent of the observing subject. Read more…
Visiting Professor Jacob Eyferth: Cotton production (Dec 2015)
During his stay Prof. Eyferth held a lecture on the topic of cotton production between 1930 and 1980, titled Weben und Überleben in Gedatou (Zhouzhi, Shaanxi), 1930-1980 on Dec 14th 2015 in the Sitzungssaal of the University Library. He also organized a one-day workshop on Dec 17th 2015 at the Institute of Chinese Studies using archive materials on cotton production. Read more…
Farewell to Revolution? – New Research Agendas in the Modern History of China (2015)
Since April 2015 a lecture series named Farewell to Revolution? – New Research Agendas in the Modern History of Chinahas been taking place at the Chinese Studies Institute of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg. This series is organized in cooperation by Prof. Marc A. Matten of the Chinese Studies Institute and the Confucius Institute Nuremberg-Erlangen. Read more…
Science and Modernity in 20th Century China: The Renaissance of “Traditional Knowledge and Practice” Revisited (14th ICHSEA 2015)
From 6-10 July 2015 the 14th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia (14th ICHSEA) took place in Paris. Read more…
Production and Distribution of Medical Knowledge in Rural China: Maoist and post-Maoist Experiences (2014)
This workshop took place at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg in February 2014 and laid the foundation for research projects that address the problem of dissemination of scientific thinking and acting among famers and workers by shedding light on the transformation of medical knowledge (including veterinary medicine) in the Maoist and post-Maoist era. Read more…